Author Archives: girlgerms

Scandinavian Awesomeness – Part 6

Headed south to Umea to spend the night  – long, long drive. After filling up, didn’t stop again until we had lunch at a little pizza place about 2 hours out of Umea. Pulled pork pizza – it was AWESOME. Just wish I knew where it was so I could share it with you all! Going south we watched the… Read more »

Scandinavian Awesomeness – Part 5

Got a good sleep then another awesome breakfast at Santa’s Village – no, I didn’t have the waffles 😛 Quick Facebook call to my Mum during breakfast – and a berating for lack of photos. Sheesh, be patient, you can wait ’til we’re home…or until we’re somewhere with a net connection that lets us do photo uploads at quicker than… Read more »

Scandinavian Awesomeness – Part 4

Early breakfast before checking out – seriously loved the huge tea cups. Also took my last antibiotic (yay!) so no more tablets through out the day – leg is looking way better! Packed up and checked out, saying goodbye to Helsinki. So far our favourite major city. The long drive to Joensuu (5 hours) was spent listening to the new… Read more »

Scandinavian Awesomeness – Part 3

Off to get Helsinki Card at the Tourist Info centre here in Helsinki, which was pretty close to the hotel. Damn good deal – 39 euro which gives you access to free public transport all through the city, access to all museums and access to a free tour. Definitely worth the cash. We had about an hour to burn before… Read more »

Scandinavian Awesomeness – Part 2

Boat ride was really calm – but very strange to be on a boat for extended period of time, especially to sleep. As Alex put it, it was like a floating RSL. Dinner was nice – smorgasbord style. Had the Swedish equivalent of potato bake…was WAY nicer than anything we’ve had. Also had Swedish meatballs, which were really yummy! Spent… Read more »

Scandinavian Awesomeness – Part 1

So, start of holiday – flight, Brisbane to Dubai at 9pm on Saturday night AEST. I luckily got the window seat (thanks to Alex), he was beside me and there was a lovely lady sitting beside him who was very patient with us, especially with toilet trips! Amazing food – I’ve got the menu and I’ll take a photo of… Read more »

Issue installing .NET 3.5 on Server 2012 R2

So – interesting bug. Built some Windows Server 2012 R2 servers for someone (because I’m just nice like that) and they went on their merry way. They then came back and said they wanted .NET 3.5 installed and would do it themselves, but they didn’t know where the install media was – because (as you know…or now know) a number… Read more »


      1 Comment on Scrutiny

So, my “social media presence” (I hate that term, it just sounds like a haunting of some kind) has come under scrutiny from my current workplace. I’m honestly not sure how I feel about this. I started off feeling a bit wary, because I know that some of the things I post are rants and crankiness. Then it morphed into… Read more »

FIX: Cursor disappears on ASUS Win 8.1laptop/tablet after using touchscreen

So, going away soon and wanted to buy a laptop/tablet that I could use for travel that wouldn’t weigh 2.7kg like my Alienware would. Had a bit of a hunt around and, considering how much I loved my original ASUS Transformer, I decided to go with the ASUS Transformer T100. Beautiful little machine – I really do love it. Full… Read more »

Sexism rears it’s ugly head…again

DISCLAIMER – This is in no way a reflection on my current employer. I am not bad-mouthing where I work or the people I work with, as 99% of them are fabulous. I need to put this up, pretty much to cover my own arse, but I still want this story to be told – because I don’t think we… Read more »