Category Archives: Tech Posts

For all technology/work related articles

When it SIEMS like you’re doing it all wrong…

To make life easier for folks, I figured that consolidating all the checklist items from my latest AusCERT 2024 talk would be a good idea – now you can have your own printable list! For those who have no idea what I’m talking about, WATCH THIS SPACE – when the talk is uploaded, I’ll be sure to link it here!… Read more »

Landing the dream job – I went and DID THE THING!

As many of you may be aware, I was recently lucky enough to snag what I consider to be my ultimate dream job – as of 20th May 2019, I started working for Microsoft as a Premier Field Engineer (PFE) in Identity and Security. When I say dream job, I truly mean it. It’s probably been my goal, for at… Read more »

Careful, your contempt culture is showing…

I recently (I say recently…about 6 weeks ago…getting new blog posts out takes a while these days!) came across a tweet from someone I used to follow (who I’m now blocked by) that they thought was utterly hilarious: I, however, did not. I really really hate this kind of joke. And I’m probably more sensitive to it than most. I’ve… Read more »

Women’s stories from the tech trenches – and how *YOU* can help!

(Warning: this is post is LONG!) I gave a talk with this exact title at Ignite the Tour in Sydney, on 14th February 2019. It was a 15 minute lightning talk, and I barely scratched the surface of what I wanted to get through – but something is certainly better than nothing! So I then submitted it as a talk… Read more »

The two words an IT admin should *never* utter…

It’s mid-afternoon. The phone is silent. The job queue is pretty empty. You’ve done the project work you wanted to get done for today. “Jeez it’s quiet!” Don’t ever…EVER…say this. All you are doing is risking Murphy’s Law to come along and whack you up the back of the head with an unexpected hardware failure, or a VIP who’s managed… Read more »

“Explain Yourself!” – Explaining What We Do, While Trying to Keep Everyone Happy

This post contains all the material that I used in my Ignite Australia 2017 Hack@Ignite talk (and I did an interview about it as well!). I received a few requests to either post this online or for myself to give this talk to helpdesks/service desks. If you want to use this yourself, I have absolutely no issues with that –… Read more »

The ethics and morals of operations – how much access is *too* much?

A discussion in 2016 on Twitter & in /r/sysadmin made me pose this question: “How much access do you consider is too much? Is there such a thing as too much access? How much access is actually needed to do our jobs?” Not only that, but a few situations recently have given rise to the fact that a number of… Read more »

This is what a handover should look like

So I was recently thrust back into my team leader’s (TL) position again – albeit for a much shorter time for this stint, only three weeks. My previous stint was for just over 6 weeks last year…can tell you now, I much prefer the shorter stints!  One of the biggest issues I have with being put in these kinds of roles… Read more »

I’m now an MVP! How cool is that?!

So Sunday morning of a the long weekend just gone… I wake up, grab my phone, and do the usual – have a quick glance at Twitter notifications, ignore the Facebook notifications and then open my email. And there it was. The email I’d totally forgotten I was waiting for: “Congratulations 2016 Microsoft MVP!” ZOMG! I’ve been awarded an MVP… Read more »