10 thoughts on “FIXED! AGPM Problem: Failed to generate a HTML GPO difference report (Error code 80004003)

  1. Lyn

    Thank you so much for this Post! I safed a lot of time after I spend already enough work troubleshooting the issue to generate a HTML GPO difference report. It actually helped me a lot after I bashed my head against the wall repeatingly trying to fix this.

    Great POST!!!!
    (System Engineer)

  2. Alan

    what if I was lazy and used a Local System Account instead of a proper service account when I installed AGPM?

  3. graham

    thankyou soo much – cant believe its 2022, and they STILL havent merged it with the current MDOP release..

  4. AP

    Thank you so much!

    To the person who asked about what happens if you use the Local System Account, the patch DOES appear to work. After installing the patch, I could immediately get the reports to work but I also had a second issue where I could check out a GPO but received the username/password error 80004003 if I attempted to check it bck in. I had to reboot the whole server for the “check in” issue to go away.

    I simpy installed the patch. I didn’t have to do all the other stuff such as logging in as the service account but maybe that is still required if you aren’t using the Local Service Account?

  5. OK

    Brilliant! Despite SP3 installed, my AGPM behave exactly as described and your fix solved problem. Thank you sooo much! 🙂

    1. girlgerms Post author

      Honestly, this is such an old post but I get so many folks who say that it’s helped them. I’m so thrilled it’s still helping folks years later! Gives me the warm and fuzzies.


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