Category Archives: Conferences

When it SIEMS like you’re doing it all wrong…

To make life easier for folks, I figured that consolidating all the checklist items from my latest AusCERT 2024 talk would be a good idea – now you can have your own printable list! For those who have no idea what I’m talking about, WATCH THIS SPACE – when the talk is uploaded, I’ll be sure to link it here!… Read more »

Women’s stories from the tech trenches – and how *YOU* can help!

(Warning: this is post is LONG!) I gave a talk with this exact title at Ignite the Tour in Sydney, on 14th February 2019. It was a 15 minute lightning talk, and I barely scratched the surface of what I wanted to get through – but something is certainly better than nothing! So I then submitted it as a talk… Read more »

“Explain Yourself!” – Explaining What We Do, While Trying to Keep Everyone Happy

This post contains all the material that I used in my Ignite Australia 2017 Hack@Ignite talk (and I did an interview about it as well!). I received a few requests to either post this online or for myself to give this talk to helpdesks/service desks. If you want to use this yourself, I have absolutely no issues with that –… Read more »

Preparing to speak…for the very first time O.o

Many of you would be aware that I was brave enough (and I do feel I was brave!) to put my name forward to speak at Microsoft Ignite Australia this year (2015) and I was lucky enough to be picked as a speaker. This was an entirely new challenge for me, and something that I got an immense amount out… Read more »

Microsoft Ignite – Day 3 (Thursday) & Day 4 (Friday)

Combining these two because I was slack and didn’t get a chance to post Thursdays (or even Fridays!) the morning after…so here goes! Thursday Thursday was a slightly late start for me, as I wanted to a) get a decent amount of sleep in preparation for the party and b) do a practice run through of my mini-Hack talk as… Read more »

Microsoft Ignite – Day 2 (Wednesday)

Wednesday So I was going to start this day off with the Diversity breakfast…but due to getting in so late, unfortunately sleep won out so I could get an extra hour. Was told it was great, bit disappointed I missed it! 🙁 Got up, had my morning cup of tea (no tea = no me…*need* tea! And I will totally… Read more »

Microsoft Ignite – Day 0 (Monday) & Day 1 (Tuesday)

Monday Got down Monday afternoon – checked into hotel, took husband out for lunch. The giantest schnitzel I’ve ever seen, at Koi. Once he’d bailed back to Brisbane, unpacked (I don’t travel light >.>) and then decided to head over to go through registration before the hoards descended. Registered, got my bag, got to the traffic lights to head to… Read more »

Take-away from leadership summit – be the best YOU you can be

Let me just give you a bit of back story, before I get into this – I’m not sure how I got to be this lucky, but recently I was insanely lucky enough to be approached to attend a Women in Leadership conference/summit that was being held here in Brisbane. I was initially reluctant to go, as I’m not really… Read more »

Tech.Ed Tips’n’Tricks

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I’m sure other people have done this before (in fact I know someone has, and I promise I’m not ripping it off!) but I figured I’d share my tips and tricks from attending Tech.Ed for other people who may not be as ‘aware’ 🙂 Phone & battery – bring your mobile with you. It may seem silly, but ensure you… Read more »

Tech.Ed 2013 – Shout Outs

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At this point, I need to do a few shout outs – the first being to GSX for their Tech.Ed ticket competition and for picking me as their winner. Freakin’. Awesome. Was blown away by the fact that I’d won – in fact, I was speechless for the hour or two after getting my email! Seriously, huge thanks to you… Read more »