Category Archives: Tech Posts

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AD Security & Administration – righting the right rights

NOTE: This post is in the process of being updated due to being used in a presentation. Please let me know if there’s anything that you believe requires updating by leaving a comment, sending me an email or poking me on Twitter! (Before I launch in, try saying the title three times fast…sorry, couldn’t help myself :P) So, we recently… Read more »

The basics all sysadmins need to grok…

In light of this being published on Sysadmin Appreciation Day (psssst, HAPPY SYSADMIN APPRECIATION DAY! ^_^), I thought I’d do a post aimed at us – system administrators! Doing some recent reading, lurking in a few forums and floating about on Twitter, I’ve noticed a number of gripes from other admins regarding things their fellow admins didn’t know that they… Read more »

Passwords and security – why is it so hard to get it *right*?

I don’t understand why passwords and password management are so difficult for people…truly I don’t. Passwords are part of our every day lives. We use passwords for so many things in our day-to-day lives – to access our email, to access social media websites, to log on to our personal and work PC’s, to buy goods using our debit and… Read more »

Being on-call and how to still have a life!

So, one of the requirements of my current job is being on-call. I won’t call it an upside or a downside, because it really is a bit of both. The downside it means I have to have my work phone on me at all times when I’m on-call, make sure my laptop is with me when I plan on going… Read more »

Building up a logging server – OSS style!

So – I wanted to get Splunk but in my organisation that was never going to happen (you want something that costs MONEY?! Ludicrous!) So we had to come up with a compromise. A colleague of mine went hunting for some open source logging software and found that the combination of Elastic Search, LogStash, Kibana and nxLog worked well. He… Read more »

Sysadmin is a thankless job

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I recently noted (and replied to) a post in /r/sysadmin regarding the fact that someone received (Holy Didn’tExpectThat Batman!) some thanks for a job well done. It’s something I’ve noticed in the jobs I’ve been in and the bosses I’ve had. Systems administrators generally don’t get thanks. They don’t get the same level of praise as the front line, who… Read more »

Anger and frustration at work – my experience and learnings

There are a great number of things that irritate me at work and while I do spend a fair bit of time ranting on Twitter, there are some things that do require more than the average 140 characters. I have a hard time controlling my anger and frustration, something that I am working on trying to fix (and I’ll address… Read more »

Todoist – how on earth did I survive without you in my life?!

For those of you who don’t know, ToDoist is an application that is a free (with some “pay for” premium features) to-do list application. It has revolutionised the way I handle things I have to do – both at home and at work. I honestly don’t know how I was able to get everything I needed to do done before… Read more »

Advanced Audit Policy – which GPO corresponds with which Event ID

I spent a good part of a day a few weeks ago searching around looking for a simple spreadsheet or table that lists the Advanced Audit GPO’s and what Event ID’s they correspond to. I couldn’t find one. Went through 4 pages of Google results, went through multiple TechNet articles. Could not find something that simply stated “These event ID’s… Read more »

Impostor Phenomenon/Syndrome – also known as “I thought it was only me who felt like that!”

Attended a talk last year, held by Geek Girl Dinners, here in Brisbane. After investigating, the topic was something that I really wanted to hear about and it. The title of the dinner was “Impostor Phenomenon”. I’d heard of this term before, but after seeing the post advertising the dinner, I went off and did a bit of research of… Read more »