Category Archives: Technology

No, good sir, sending me an email isn’t good enough!

I get really annoyed when someone says to me “Oh, it’s okay, I’ll just email that to you so you won’t forget”. I will forget. Because along with your emails, I get hundreds of others – from multiple monitoring systems, certificate renewals, server notifications, updates that are available, from systems available for testing, people telling me they’re away sick, people… Read more »

Religious bias in the tech world…

And no, I’m not talking about actual religions here (insert mandatory reference to Flying Spahetti Monster ^_^), this is about technology religions, technology evangelism to the point where you’re blinded to all other options. Admit it, you’ve done it at least once in your life – we all have. I’m a Windows Systems Administrator. There. I said it. I’m *proud*… Read more »

“You can pry into anyone’s files or emails….right?” I really hate this question!

As a systems administrator, I have a higher level of access to people’s information – their files, their account details, their email. But, as quoted a number of times in SpiderMan, “With great power comes great responsibility”. Yes – I can pry into anyone’s files or emails *if* (big “if” here) I was requested to by a manager, in writing… Read more »

Documentation – or as I like to call it “Information that allows you to take uninterrupted holidays!”

Maybe I was trained differently. Maybe my career in IT started off with a group of OCD people who were just fanatical about information sharing and we’re the odd ones out. Maybe I’m just nuts about writing stuff down. Truthfully, I wish more people in IT were like me, if only for the documentation skills (and because I’m awesome…but more… Read more »