Category Archives: Conferences

Tech.Ed 2013 – Day 4, Friday 6th September

Last day! We’re nearly there! Also, have moved by ‘Shout Outs’ & ‘Tips’n’Tricks’ to different posts, just so this isn’t overloaded! Friday, 6th Sept At this point in time, I was extremely surprised I was able to keep going. 7am rolls around – snooze. 7:30am rolls around – snooze. 8am rolls around…I figure 6 hours sleep should be enough, so… Read more »

Tech.Ed 2013 – Day 3, Thursday 5th September

And we’re onto Day 3 – I’m surprised I’m still conscious! Thursday, 5th Sept: I tried so hard to be up in time for the first session, I really did. Sadly, the sinus infection I’d been battling (as well as the alcohol that I’d had the night before) decided that an early morning was not for me. So I finally… Read more »

Tech.Ed 2013 – Day 2, Wednesday 4th September

So now we move onto the start of Day 2 (which is technically Day 1…I think >.>) Also, I forgot to mention one of the most memorable events from Day 1 at the welcome reception – the “head licking” incident. There’ll be shout-outs later for that one. Wednesday, 4th Sept: I was exceptionally proud of myself – I got up… Read more »

Tech.Ed 2013 – Day 1, Tuesday 3rd September

Okay, first of all, I am not a figment of someone’s imagination, I really do exist. a number of you met me at Tech.Ed so you know this is true. I’M A REAL GIRL! (I swear I heard Pinocchio in my head when I said that…) The next few blog posts are pretty much going to be a blow-by-blow of… Read more »

Apparently, I’m an IT Professional ^_^

(Honestly thought I’d posted this earlier! Appears I just saved it as a draft and then promptly forgot about it!) Certainly not going to complain about the label “IT Professional”. Was quite nice to receive it, to be honest! And the reason behind it? While at Tech.Ed 2012 last year, I was filmed discussing what parts of Server 2012 I… Read more »