“You can pry into anyone’s files or emails….right?” I really hate this question!

As a systems administrator, I have a higher level of access to people’s information – their files, their account details, their email. But, as quoted a number of times in SpiderMan, “With great power comes great responsibility”. Yes – I can pry into anyone’s files or emails *if* (big “if” here) I was requested to by a manager, in writing… Read more »

Documentation – or as I like to call it “Information that allows you to take uninterrupted holidays!”

Maybe I was trained differently. Maybe my career in IT started off with a group of OCD people who were just fanatical about information sharing and we’re the odd ones out. Maybe I’m just nuts about writing stuff down. Truthfully, I wish more people in IT were like me, if only for the documentation skills (and because I’m awesome…but more… Read more »

The “martyr” complex of women in IT

Been meaning to write something on this for a while, but it keeps slipping my mind. I’ve been at Tech.Ed 2012 on the Gold Coast this week and it’s brought this topic right to the forefront of my mind, especially after speaking with many fabulous, fantastic, inspirational women! One of the questions that often gets asked by other people, not… Read more »

Where to start? Ah yes. The beginning.

For those of you who know me, being quiet or reserved isn’t in my character. When I have an opinion on something, I tend to speak my mind. Over the last few weeks, thinking about things in my work life, my social life, my gaming life, I’ve realised that I have quite a few opinions on matters than I’m personally… Read more »