Lego collection update

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I figured it’s been a while and I also figured it’d be nice that after my last four blog posts about professional stuff, it would be nice to have something a bit more fun. My Lego collection has somewhat changed since the last time I did a post. Quite a few more additions and I am *literally* running out of… Read more »

Admitting your mistakes…quickly.

I’ll openly admit it. I’m not infallible. I do not know everything. And I can (and do!) make mistakes. One of the most important aspects of an IT professional, from my point of view as an operations cog, is to admit your mistakes as quickly as you possibly can. Don’t be shy. Don’t hide behind ego, don’t hide behind bravado,… Read more »

I’m an extrovert…in IT >.>

Yes, I’m an extrovert in IT. It’s a very weird combination. It makes for some interesting meetings and it has quite a large affect on my personal and social life. To quote the dictionary, an extrovert is “an outgoing person; a person concerned primarily with the physical and social environment rather than with the self.” It does pretty much sum… Read more »

Public Service vs. Academia – my current observations

So I’ve been working for a government organisation for just over 18 months now. After working for a university, it’s been an interesting transition. I realise that, having never been exposed to ‘Corporate land’, I may have some bias but this post will take a look at a few of the things I’ve noticed that are extremely different…and a few… Read more »

Moving into management…the catch-22

So, I’ve decided (well, had it decided for me, really) that I want to move into management. It’s something I feel I’d enjoy, I have some skills that I believe would benefit me and it’s honestly the right move in regards to my career. The problem is – how do you move into management without ever having had management experience?… Read more »

I have got posts coming – I promise!

Just a quick update to let you know that a) I do have some posts that I’ve started and are in the process of writing and trying to get out within the next week or so and b) wedding planning is far more stressful and time consuming than I honestly thought possible. I’ve been up to my nexk in choices… Read more »

Yes, we’re tying the knot.

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I’d been toying with the idea of keeping the news to only our family, or just to a close few, or to not tell anyone at all. Sadly, I’m not that great at keeping these kinds of secrets – happy secrets, things that *should* be shared. So I’m putting it out there so everyone knows so I can stop hiding,… Read more »

Update on New Years Resolutions – the good, the bad and the totally forgotten!

So, we’re a little more than a quarter of the way through the year (nearly a third!) so I figured I should do a quick update on where things stand with my resolutions. 1. Get healthy – This is actually happening. No, really! Started Lite’N’Easy in January. Now, I’ma fussy eater, but I have nothing but praise for the food… Read more »

Niggling irritations of a Windows admin…

Realised I hadn’t posted in a while, have a few drafts on the go, but decided that rather than continue on one of them and do a half-assed job of it, I’d do a little post on my current irritations and frustrations in the lovely world of IT. Because, to be honest, there’s quite a few at the moment for… Read more »

My up-hill battle with the only ISP/Telco I can get coverage with…

As many of you would know from reading either my Twitter feed, my Facebook feed or knowing me in person, Telstra and I haven’t been getting along for about 6 months now. Considering the number if services we have with them…and the amount of money we’re *spending* on said services…you’d think they’d be more than wiling to help. Apparently not…. Read more »