Apparently, I’m an IT Professional ^_^

(Honestly thought I’d posted this earlier! Appears I just saved it as a draft and then promptly forgot about it!) Certainly not going to complain about the label “IT Professional”. Was quite nice to receive it, to be honest! And the reason behind it? While at Tech.Ed 2012 last year, I was filmed discussing what parts of Server 2012 I… Read more »

I’m still alive…promise!

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Apologies for not posting anything for a while – I promise I am still alive and kicking…although less with the kicking, as that involves effort. Been working on a (very very very) long blog post regarding my interactions and issues with a well-known telecommunications company. That’s taking longer than I anticipated, purely because there’s just so much that’s happened! Will… Read more »

Resolutions… I went and made a few >.>

So this year, for the first time ever, I decided that I was going to set myself some new year resolutions. Have never really done it before, but decided to give it a try this year, if only to see if I could actually stick it out and, come December 31 2013, be able to say I’ve accomplished something I… Read more »

Lego, oh how you rock…

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So, this is totally off-topic from my standard blog posts. Sorry to those who get distracted…not my fault! For those not in the know, I am an avid Lego collector. I love Lego. I collect lots of it…and I mean *lots*. I’ve run out of room to put my Lego creations…and I have more on the way at Christmas. It’s… Read more »

Taking leave…and why it’s so important to just *stop*

I’ve hit that point in the year where I’m cranky with everyone, I’m fed up with dealing with people, the tasks that I wanted to get done this year haven’t all been done, things are behind, everything’s irritating me and I’m just fed up with life in general. It’s been 8 months since I took a “holiday”. Most of the… Read more »

2 months went quickly…

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So, this blog has now been active for 2 months. And I’ve been posting regularly. I feel like I should almost give myself a pat on the back for that. Excuse me a moment. Now that that’s sorted, I’ve gone back through my old posts and have noticed a not-unexpected but slightly saddening trend. Most of my post are gripes…. Read more »

“But it’s how we’ve always done it!”

If you are *anything* at all like me, the saying “But it’s how we’ve always done it!” will make you want to tear your hair out in frustration, throw something through your monitor and find something sharp and pointy to hurt the person who could have said such a stupid thing. I absolutely loathe the saying. I can’t understand how… Read more »

‘Inbox’ and ‘Trash’ aren’t the only folders you need to use!

I am OCD. There. I personally feel (as others do) that it should be written as CDO so that it’s in alphabetical order, but I digress. I’m OCD about a lot of things. I like my desk to be tidy. I like my files that I’m working on to be tidy. My house is, generally, tidy. I also like my… Read more »

No, good sir, sending me an email isn’t good enough!

I get really annoyed when someone says to me “Oh, it’s okay, I’ll just email that to you so you won’t forget”. I will forget. Because along with your emails, I get hundreds of others – from multiple monitoring systems, certificate renewals, server notifications, updates that are available, from systems available for testing, people telling me they’re away sick, people… Read more »

Religious bias in the tech world…

And no, I’m not talking about actual religions here (insert mandatory reference to Flying Spahetti Monster ^_^), this is about technology religions, technology evangelism to the point where you’re blinded to all other options. Admit it, you’ve done it at least once in your life – we all have. I’m a Windows Systems Administrator. There. I said it. I’m *proud*… Read more »