So I realise that the last time I did a Lego update was back in April last year. That’s a long time and a heap has changed.
Saddest thing – I’ve had to pack up a whole heap. I have five giant rolling storage boxes filled with all the Lego I’ve taken apart. I dismantled all my Creator (minus the larger display sets), Technic, Minecraft & City (Police, Mountain Police, Fire & Mine). Was sad…but I just needed the room!
So, with no further ado, here is where my collection and display currently stands.
This is the top of my bookcase on my desk. Sets are:
- Lego Movie “Sea Cow”
- 2015 Pirate ship
- Sopwith Camel (and baby Sopwith Camel!)
- Death Star
- UCS X-Wing
- UCS Imperial Shuttle
Top of the IKEA 5×5 bookcase I have that houses all my Lego. Sets are:
- Sydney Opera House
- Creator Modular Grand Emporium
- Creator Modular Pet Shop
- Monster Fighters’ Haunted House
- Monster Fighters’ Castle
- UCS Super Star Destroyer
- Lego Space sets
A nice showing of all my sets. Collection include:
- LotR & Hobbit sets
- Specialty Creator kits (Mini, VW Kombi & mini Creator Modulars)
- Mixels (Seasos 1-5)
- Simpsons House
- 2015 Pirate sets
- Star Wars kits, including UCS R2D2, AT-AT, planet sets, micro fighters, Millenium Falcon, TIE Fighter normal, UCS Tie Fighter, Mindstorms AT-AT, X-Wing, Imperial Star Destroyer, Sandcrawler & three years (2012-2014) of Star Wars Lego Advent calendar sets
- Lego movie (including all the Unikitty’s!)
- Monster Fighters
- Horizon Express train
Full album (including close up photos of some sets can be found in my Imgur gallery
Hope you’ve enjoyed the update!
That USC super star destroyer really does dominate the top shelf
It really does…and there’s nowhere else big enough for it to fit! I need to get more room…
That Imperial Shuttle is dope!