Ranty pants engaged – Sexism in tech: Deepdive

[WARNING, WARNING – DANGER <INSERT NAME HERE>: This is going to be a very stream-of-consciousness rant and is going to be a mixture of my ranty-pants being firmly engaged in regards to this issue and expanding on some of the points I made in a particular Reddit post] So, not long ago, I posted a link to TableFlip.Club to a tech… Read more »

Lego Update – July 2015

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So I realise that the last time I did a Lego update was back in April last year. That’s a long time and a heap has changed. Saddest thing – I’ve had to pack up a whole heap. I have five giant rolling storage boxes filled with all the Lego I’ve taken apart. I dismantled all my Creator (minus the… Read more »

Pearls of Wisdom from my 2003 Decommissioning

For those who follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you would have undoubtedly seen the posts regarding Server 2003 EoL and my battles with my organisation (primarily the service and business owners of the servers) about getting off this out-dated OS and onto something more recent – or in a number of cases, just getting rid of a no-longer-required server… Read more »

Taking on higher duties – being the manager of your own team…

For those who don’t know the back-story – my manager was lucky enough to get 6-7 weeks of leave and buggered off to Europe. Yay for him, boo for us poor sods left behind. Because he was going away for such a significant period of time, he figured the team *should* have a manager – so he kindly asked me… Read more »

Do you need formal qualifications to be a sysadmin?

Thought I’d write this to get my two-cents out there. As someone who has been on both sides of the fence, I feel like I’m in a good place to put this out for discussion. I see a number of sysadmins who feel they aren’t “good enough” because they have no formal qualifications. They feel “less than” because they don’t… Read more »

Fun and games with an insurance company…

The following details the dealings I’ve had with AAMI and outline the background of what occurred. The following is the correspondence (with some slight omissions to protect names/contact details) that I have sent to/received from both AAMI and the Financial Ombudsman Service regarding what had happened and just how many times they’ve screwed up over the last three months, as well as my… Read more »

The story behind the name…

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Not surprisingly, my online nickname/handle gets brought up fairly often – especially if I have to give my email address to someone over the phone – and I regularly get asked how I ended up with it. It’s an amusing, albeit not long, story and it’s stuck with me – because it was not only the start of my online… Read more »

30 before 30 – a look back

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So. That’s it. I’ve hit 30. My life is over! Only kidding. It does mean that my “30-before-30” is over. So this is a quick recap of what I’ve managed to get done…and what I didn’t quite manage.   1. Get healthy – STARTED! I’d like to say I’ve done this, but I think this is an ongoing “stay healthy”. My… Read more »

Getting certified – my experience getting my MCSA

I lurk on Reddit. A lot. I mainly sit in the /r/sysadmin subreddit, because there are quite a number of interesting articles and discussions that come out of it. One discussion that appears to come up far more often than most is certifications. What are the good ones to get, how to get them, good study materials, how to ensure… Read more »

Windows Updates in an Enterprise environment

I’m finding that a lot of my posts are based on things that I repeatedly have to rehash over and over again in other places – Reddit, tech forums, Twitter. This is no exception. I keep seeing people ask about managing updates in an enterprise environment. With that in mind, I decided that writing some high-level “This is how we… Read more »