Microsoft Ignite – Day 2 (Wednesday)

Wednesday So I was going to start this day off with the Diversity breakfast…but due to getting in so late, unfortunately sleep won out so I could get an extra hour. Was told it was great, bit disappointed I missed it! 🙁 Got up, had my morning cup of tea (no tea = no me…*need* tea! And I will totally… Read more »

Microsoft Ignite – Day 0 (Monday) & Day 1 (Tuesday)

Monday Got down Monday afternoon – checked into hotel, took husband out for lunch. The giantest schnitzel I’ve ever seen, at Koi. Once he’d bailed back to Brisbane, unpacked (I don’t travel light >.>) and then decided to head over to go through registration before the hoards descended. Registered, got my bag, got to the traffic lights to head to… Read more »

Apologies for the hiatus – scheduled updates will resume shortly!

Serious apologies for the hiatus here – been working fairly non-stop on a 2012 R2 upgrade, still doing some Server 2003 decommissions and (as many of you will be aware) I’m now speaking at Microsoft Ignite Australia…not once, but twice! I’ve also been on leave for the last two weeks as well, trying to avoid sitting in front of my… Read more »

AGPM aka change management for GPO’s

AGPM (Advance Group Policy Management) is pretty much a change management tool for group policy – it assists in deploying new policies, modifying existing policies and being able to roll-back to older versions if something has gone wrong! I’m a big fan of AGPM simply from the point of view of being able to see a) who’s done what and… Read more »

Documentation & Planning – the sneaky skills

One of the biggest issues I’ve come across with the places I’ve worked (and the people I’ve worked with!) is lack of ability to document and to plan. It seems that this is a much maligned and skipped skill that many just don’t have. This post is about how I do my documentation and planning, which I hope could help… Read more »

Lady Gaming Streamers – we really don’t need to see your boobs…

So, I got a bit cranky at a tweet that was promoted by Blizzard on Twitter a few days ago – the tweet was for a female streamer (won’t go into names, I prefer not to do name-and-shames) and the image for the stream was of her – and, of course, a blatant cleavage shot. This turned into a bit… Read more »

Take-away from leadership summit – be the best YOU you can be

Let me just give you a bit of back story, before I get into this – I’m not sure how I got to be this lucky, but recently I was insanely lucky enough to be approached to attend a Women in Leadership conference/summit that was being held here in Brisbane. I was initially reluctant to go, as I’m not really… Read more »

Would you ask a doctor for free advice? Would you ask a mechanic to “just take a quick look”?

I’m not going to get too much into the back story of this, because it’s not completely necessary and it’s not nice – and don’t feel like having defamation brought against me! There was a recent situation I found myself in where I was at a business as a client and mentioned I worked in IT while there consuming said… Read more »


So, Windows 10 was recently released, so I decided to be brave, dive in and update all of my machines within the first few days of it being available for general download. This will be a quick overview of how my updates went and the pitfalls I encountered. I’ll give some basic specs (if I know them!) so that those… Read more »

Mental illness – it’s not all fun and games…

DISCLAIMER – This post is about mental health. Mine in general and in particular. This is quite confronting for me to post online for all to read – including friends and family who have no idea about this, co-workers who may not be aware or (scarier still) prospective employers. My decision to publish is based on this fact – if… Read more »