Author Archives: girlgerms

“For a woman, you’re very opinionated…”

Very *very* short blog post, but seeing the response I received from Twitterย (and for me, 10+ retweets/favourites is a lot, I don’t post things that are that interesting!), I figured I would share this. My mum tagged me in a photo on Facebook this morning. She said it was fitting for me and I most definitely agree: I honestly think… Read more »

A couple of IT things *everyone* should know

So, as usual, lurking on Reddit and a topic comes up about things that non-sysadmins (read: normal every day people) should know in relation to being a sysadmin. I thought this was interesting and a bit silly until I thought about it for a while – I’m somewhat amazed by the number of people who are working who have little… Read more »

I’m still alive!

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I made a commitment to try and post every 2 weeks as part of my 30-before-30. True, I haven’t posted in just over a month now, but I feel my Scandinavian updates more than make up for that! Blogging will resume later in the New Year when I’m not spending time lying in be reading books all day, consuming amazing… Read more »

Working from home – it can be done…if you’re not a jerk!

I’ve seen a lot of talk lately, as we’re coming up to the holidays, about working from home. This post is going to focus on IT workers because we can commute quite easily, no matter where we are. I’m personally all for it – I have a study of my own, with my computer and extra desk space for my… Read more »

Regular AD Maintenance & Checks

I was inspired to write this post based on a question posted on Reddit a little bit ago. While I was happy with my response (and that so many people agreed with me!) I figured it would benefit those who read my blog or go searching for this information and aren’t Reddit readers. I’ve also added in a few links,… Read more »

Scandinavian Awesomeness – the final chapter

Chilled in the room for a while, even managed a nap, as well as a spa bath & shower before heading out to get some food – ended up at a local pizza joint (we do love out pizza here!) and had some food there. Didn’t really feel like partying hard, so back to the hotel for a quiet night… Read more »

Scandinavian Awesomeness – Part 10

Wow. Part 10. It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long, but we’ve hit 3 weeks today – 3 weeks ago, we left Brisbane. Anyway, back to the timeline ๐Ÿ˜› Did a bit of wandering in Malmo, saw some of their amazing buildings (that’s one thing that every country we’ve visited has over Australia – preservation of a very long… Read more »

Scandinavian Awesomeness – Part 9

Dinner in the room was a great idea – and the pizza was really good. Their small is interesting though – think they’ve been taking lessons from the Americans. Neither of us could get through our own “small” pizzas (which were each 8 slices!). Early sleep, as both of us hadn’t had much water and were dehydrated….which wasn’t a good… Read more »

Scandinavian Awesomeness – Part 8

After checking in to Flamsbrygga, it was time for dinner – ate at the local Viking restaurant, which had amazing food and even better service ๐Ÿ™‚ Ended the night with a white Russian for dessert! Back to hotel room to sleep, not really achieved due to rowdy bunch next door who kept partying through to 2am -.- Not super impressed… Read more »

Scandinavian Awesomeness – Part 7

Still in Trondheim – today was the more traditional museums ๐Ÿ™‚ Started off with an exceedingly healthy breakfast of pancakes, maple syrup and profiteroles (very nom!) then a brief chill in the hotel room until it was time to head out, as the cathedral didn’t open until 11. Short walk to the cathedral, took some photos outside (as you can’t… Read more »