Todoist – how on earth did I survive without you in my life?!

For those of you who don’t know, ToDoist is an application that is a free (with some “pay for” premium features) to-do list application. It has revolutionised the way I handle things I have to do – both at home and at work. I honestly don’t know how I was able to get everything I needed to do done before… Read more »

Advanced Audit Policy – which GPO corresponds with which Event ID

I spent a good part of a day a few weeks ago searching around looking for a simple spreadsheet or table that lists the Advanced Audit GPO’s and what Event ID’s they correspond to. I couldn’t find one. Went through 4 pages of Google results, went through multiple TechNet articles. Could not find something that simply stated “These event ID’s… Read more »

Impostor Phenomenon/Syndrome – also known as “I thought it was only me who felt like that!”

Attended a talk last year, held by Geek Girl Dinners, here in Brisbane. After investigating, the topic was something that I really wanted to hear about and it. The title of the dinner was “Impostor Phenomenon”. I’d heard of this term before, but after seeing the post advertising the dinner, I went off and did a bit of research of… Read more »

The “Oh Shit” kit

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Had a request from someone who wanted to know what was actually inside my “Oh Shit” kit (as mentioned in my “Looking back on *the* wedding” post)…which makes sense. I really should’ve provided this in the first place! So, to elaborate, my own personal “Oh Shit” kit contained the following (and it was all contained in a small makeup bag… Read more »

Looking back on *the* wedding

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So, as you would all know, back in October 2013, Alex and I got hitched. It was pretty darn awesome. A fair bit of my inspiration came from an amazing website called Offbeat Bride and as they had a section for submitting your wedding, once it was all done and dusted, I jumped at the chance. Well, they published my… Read more »

Letting go by learning how to delegate. It’s harder than it looks!

So I recently had a situation where I was required to delegate. Woah, was this harder than expected. The job in question was something I’d been working on for a while – it hadn’t been able to receive my full attention as it hadn’t yet had the full thrust of any management “This is important” pushed onto me. So it… Read more »

Quiet times – things to do when you’ve “got time”

One of the things that all sysadmins *LOVE* to be able to say is “It’s so quiet, I’m bored, there’s nothing to do”. In my organisation, the ‘Q’ word and the ‘B’ word are never to be mentioned. They will bring down the wrath of whatever from high atop the thing (kudos to those who get that quote, by the… Read more »

How did I get where I am in IT?

UPDATED – May 2019 Spurred on by reading a similar blog post on Adam Fowlers blog (go have a read: How did you get into I.T.?) I decided to do a post of my own about how I ended up where I am today. I’m relatively lucky in that I wanted to know from a fairly early age what I… Read more »

Yuletide Greeting Merry Christmas & Happy Festivus

Just a short one today! I hope you all have a wonderful day with family, friends, food, feasting, fun and most of all love and laughter. Wishing you all a very happy day (or days, for those of you lucky enough to have time off at this time of year!) and a very joyous New Year. Here’s to hoping 2014… Read more »

Screw News Years Resolutions – I’m going to give 30 before 30 a go!

So, my New Years Resolutions for 2013 didn’t go down as well as planned. Quite a few of the major ones failed *spectacularly* (if I do say so myself…you can read all about it here). So instead of duplicating the same fabulousness in 2014, I have decided to change tack. I have decided that instead of New Years Resolutions, I’m… Read more »