Had a request from someone who wanted to know what was actually inside my “Oh Shit” kit (as mentioned in my “Looking back on *the* wedding” post)…which makes sense. I really should’ve provided this in the first place! So, to elaborate, my own personal “Oh Shit” kit contained the following (and it was all contained in a small makeup bag… Read more »
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So, as you would all know, back in October 2013, Alex and I got hitched. It was pretty darn awesome. A fair bit of my inspiration came from an amazing website called Offbeat Bride and as they had a section for submitting your wedding, once it was all done and dusted, I jumped at the chance. Well, they published my… Read more »
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As those of you know, I had a rather unfortunate incident regarding the ordering of my wedding ring. Now, I’m not a bridezilla – I’ve been extremely calm through this whole process, I’ve maintained my composure because, after all, it’s just more day in our lives. Sure it’s an important one, but it’s just one day. The ring, however, has… Read more »
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Just a quick update to let you know that a) I do have some posts that I’ve started and are in the process of writing and trying to get out within the next week or so and b) wedding planning is far more stressful and time consuming than I honestly thought possible. I’ve been up to my nexk in choices… Read more »
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I’d been toying with the idea of keeping the news to only our family, or just to a close few, or to not tell anyone at all. Sadly, I’m not that great at keeping these kinds of secrets – happy secrets, things that *should* be shared. So I’m putting it out there so everyone knows so I can stop hiding,… Read more »
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