Just a quick update to let you know that a) I do have some posts that I’ve started and are in the process of writing and trying to get out within the next week or so and b) wedding planning is far more stressful and time consuming than I honestly thought possible.
I’ve been up to my nexk in choices for dresses, shoes, stockings, jewellery, hair accessories, hair styles, makeup styles, wedding rings, flowers, ceremony choices etc. etc. etc. I’m lucky that I had a good idea of what I wanted so most of the choices and planning are now done, it’s just a matter of getting in there and getting stuff “done”.
I also have about 4 posts or so that I’ve started writing and have really good ideas for that I just haven’t finished. I’m in the process of finishing them off and polishing them up so I can release them, which means you might see 2-4 posts from me over the next week or so. I’d like to get them done before I disappear down the Gold Coast for Tech.Ed 2013 so that I can devote some time to blogging my awesome experiences while there!
Again, apologies for not posting much over the last few months, but I promise I’ll try and make up for it!